A few years ago, I wrote a blog entry on the Best Story Never Told . The story centered on taking the time to build an effective Brand Selling Presentation for your brand to use with outside partners. Never assume that a retailer, brand partner or licensee has any pre-conceived knowledge about your brand before you meet them. Don’t assume your brand sells itself. My first blog post on this topic was admittedly a bit light on the most vital part of your Brand Selling Story: conducting primary Market Research to measure your brand’s awareness, equity, and extendibility.
When trying to sell any outside party on your brand, it is
very important that you present them with real customer data from a
statistically significant market research study that is conducted by an unbiased
third party vendor. Your
main job above all else is to demonstrate your brand’s strength against its
competitive set. The typical brand
health measures you want to discuss are unaided and aided awareness, brand
purchase consideration, brand share, net promoter score and brand purchase
intent in new product extension categories. It
is very important that you contract with a market research vendor that has both
extensive experience in the branding industry and the market research
discipline; a firm like my company, Brandar
Consulting, LLC, is an example of one such
Prior to starting your research project, you will need to
work with your Brand team to “brandstorm” what you believe your brand stands
for and the product categories you think your brand can extend into. You then need to use your Brand Research to
validate your perceived brand attributes, purchase drivers and extension categories. I call this conducting Brand Permission
research; it is research to determine whether your customer target gives your
brand permission to extend into a new product category – whether that be
through brand licensing, manufacturing it yourself or sourcing product.
Once you conclude your Brand Equity & Extension
Research, you next need to work with your research vendor to effectively
package the results into Brand Selling Slides so that you can tell the story of
your brand’s equity and extendibility through your customer’s eyes and not your
own. While you are paid to be your
brand’s biggest disciple, your customer target is your brand’s true fortune
teller. Their feedback through your
research study is what matters most to a potential brand partner looking to
leverage your brand. So take the time and
expense to solicit your customer target’s opinions so they can tell the best
story possible about your brand.