Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Best Story Never Told

Well it’s September 1st and I'm returning to my Blog after taking a break this Summer with a story that has been on my mind for a few months.  I work with a lot of clients and prospective clients who are new to the world of Brand Licensing and very often I see Brand owners going out to shop their Brands to prospective licensees or licensing agencies with no real story to tell. What happens all too frequently is the licensor just assumes that the prospective licensee or agent has heard of their Brand and knows its equity and just how strong that equity can be when extended into new categories. It is an assumption that is borne out of being paid to be your Brand’s greatest champion day in and day out in your company. Unfortunately, it leads great Brand Managers to start to sell their Licensing program with no real story to tell at all. The thinking is: “I recognize my Brand is great and has been real successful in the marketplace so others will as well.”

This thinking only torpedoes what could be great licensing programs before they ever have a chance to get started.  Don’t fall prey to this syndrome. Start your licensing effort by working hard to pull together your Brand’s best selling story. Talk about its rich history. Present independent research that demonstrates your brand’s awareness, its equities, its strength and its extendibility. Pen your story as though you are selling to someone who has NEVER even heard of your Brand and sell them hard on why your Brand is right for their in-licensing program. Spend time talking about your Brand’s retail reach, depth and breadth. Provide examples of how and why your Brand is ripe to enter certain product categories. In essence, leave your initial meetings with prospective agents or licensees knowing that you told your Best Brand Story for that is the surest way for everyone to see the value of your brand as a licensable asset. Don’t assume others will see the value of your Brand; prove it to them with a well-researched and well-designed Brand Selling Story.

Often Brand Managers or Licensing Directors are too close to their Brands to be able to look at their Brand’s value objectively and then put together a competent Brand Story to prove it. If you are struggling with this, then I suggest you get help. There are many consultants in the brand licensing industry like my firm, Brandar Consulting, LLC, that can help you get your Brand Selling Story right and provide a strong start to your Brand Licensing Program launch or expansion. You often only get one crack at selling your Brand to a prospective agent or licensee. Don’t waste that opportunity; tell your Best Brand Story right out of the gates.